Doesn't matter how big your boat is, if you have a hole your boat will sink - same will happen to your company without cyber security solutions. Let's talk!

Cyber Security

Use my 32 years of expierience in IT
where 8 years in Cyber Security.


Become IT
for non-tech guys

Don't worry if you are not-tech.
I will help you to become IT like me!

Become IT

Socha Media
the art side

The ART side of my soul
Well, life isn't all about IT


Cyber Security Consulting

Let's start at the beginning.
Show me what you got!

Security Audit

Awereness | Cyber Security

I sincerely believe that beyond earning money, it is worth having one's own mission for the world, an added value that one wants to share with everyone in the name of something right, lofty. The world has entered a phase where it is practically impossible to conduct business without computers and the internet, and this carries increasingly complex threats. Informing about these threats and preparing for their aftermath and consequences is the mission I want to pursue. To make the world a little better each day than it was yesterday.

Why Iearn IT ?

There are many reasons why it's worthwhile. They might vary for each individual, but if we look at it from a global perspective, we can certainly list the following.

become IT from ZERO to HERO

 Online store in illustrative form. Sales will start in 2025. 

The ART side of my soul
Well, life isn't all about IT

Cooperation | last but not least

The last 15 years have brought me cooperation with many companies - from the largest corporations to small, but each of them has taught me a lot. Below are some of them.